- Input Field (Default or Multiline)
- Text
- Checkbox
- Choice Group
- Button
How to change the template?
Feel free to draft using the Default Element template; you can change it afterward, Element → Change Template.
Elements can have the following settings (they can be combined).
![A Group showing the 5 different Element settings](media/elements-entry-settings-v_uYir21P91brAAG2BrVtKNHsM8.png)
Hide in Designer
Like Groups, Auxiliary Element means that its Hide in Designer option is turned on.
Tip Auxiliary Elements can be hidden in the Drafter Workspace too, View → Hidable Elements.
Besides the different style, Formulas ignore struck Elements. This option doesn’t imply read-only, see Locked in Designer for that.
Locked in Designer
Prevents modifying or the click action of the Element.
Stacked Label
More Settings → Stack Label can be handy in cases where the Element Label or Value is long.
![A Group comparing stacked vs non-stacked label](media/elements-more-entry-settings-aLEsKqxlAhmTQTVaaj-jxddt7KU.png)
How to Insert Elements?
Option 1: Drop an Element Template into a Group.
Option 2: Click an Element Template. If an Element is selected, it creates one after it. Otherwise, at the end of the selected Group.
Option 3: Ctrl ⌘ i (works like option 2).
Option 4: Drop a Connection into an empty Group region.
Keyboard Modifiers
These modifiers work for the first three options.
- ⌥ Alt for a Text Template
- Shift for a Multiline Template